Fisherman, Page 7 of the regs states
"If you catch a fish after reaching the daily catch or possession limit for that species, the fish must be released immediately back to the water (see Ontario’s Catch and Retain Rules, on page 9). If the limit is zero, anglers may practise catch and release only, and any fish caught must be released immediately back into the water in a manner that does not harm the fish."
There is also a new section on page 9 covering the use of live wells to selectively cull fish which states:
"Anglers fishing from a boat may now catch, hold, and selectively live release more walleye, northern pike, largemouth or smallmouth bass than the daily limit, provided:
(a) the fish are held in a livewell with a mechanical aerator operating at all times, (see Anglers Guide, page 8, for livewell requirements)
(b) the fish comply with any applicable size limits,
(c) the Sport or Conservation Fishing Licence daily catch and retain limits for walleye or northern pike are not exceeded at any one time,
(d) no more than six largemouth or smallmouth bass (or any combination) caught under a Sport Fishing Licence are retained at any one time, and
(e) the Conservation Fishing Licence catch and retain limits for largemouth and smallmouth bass (or any combination) are not exceeded at any one time.
Anglers are reminded to closely monitor the condition of fish held in a livewell. Only fish that are in such a condition that they will survive may be released (see Tips on Live Release of Fish, page 10). Releasing a fish that will not survive and allowing the flesh of that fish to be wasted is an offence. Any fish not
live-released are part of your daily catch and retain limit.
Can't really see much of an arguement here...