Party fishing


Well-Known Member
With perchin just around the corner might be wise to review catch and keep habits.

See lot of people throw ALL fish in one bucket if they're in a group---if the fishing is hot you risk being charged for having more then your possessiom limit.

:Das long as u dont go over the number of peeps per poss//they can all be in one bag just a matter of proof and counting // or all in one live well or one bucket the only thing that ya have to watch is ur minnow count per person//8Dall go into one live well on my boat no problem//never bi questioned never binchastised for it //:(
the fish have to be identified as your own you can not keep all your fish together unless you mark them. Best suggestion I have heard is a paper hole punch on the tail for one guy dorsal for another ect,ect, if you have all your fish in one bucket and they are not marked you can get a $200 and change fine, just ask the dude on OFN that just got nailed crappy fishing .The law is to stop me from going out with 6 people and they catch 6 smallies and I catch 30 (Just a example I would never allow that many bass to be kept on my boat)you see what I'm getting at it makes your limit your limit. if your throwing all your fish in the same livewell without keeping track of individual limits your probably gonna get a fine, if each guy has a counter and the #'s are right you might be OK but thats up to the CO. and for the guys that think they aren't out there I have been stopped and checked already on the bay this year so make sure you are with in the regulations and you don't have to worry.


I would like to thank Denali custom rods and The Rod Glove for their support
In all the years I have been chartering this is the first time I have ever heard this. My boat has been checked numerous times by CO's and never have they asked whose fish this was or whose fish is that one. As long as you are not over the limit for the number of licenses on board a CO would be hard pressed to charge you with anything. Just my 2 cents. I may be doing things wrong for the last 30+ years but I'm too old to change now.
I just read all six pages of posts on this topic on the OFN site and went through the regs cover to cover twice trying to figure out where some of these rules are written. There are all kinds of comments posted quoting "rules" which are simply non-existent. Anyway, as far as this discussion is concerned, NOWHERE does it say you cannot combine your fish in one livewell or bucket nor do they say you need to punch fins or tag fish for each fisherman. Guys get checked hundreds of times each year coming off Cooks Bay with all their perch in one bucket and as Scrimmy suggests, as long as you are not over the limit of licenses you have you should be fine. This is not "Party fishing" as long as each angler stays under his own limit. Even if you were tagging or using separate buckets, what stops you from tossing a fish in someone else's bucket or tagging it wrong. You are kind of at your honour to stay under your limit because they can't really prove otherwise.

Where the guy on OFN went wrong is that he admitted to catching over his own limit thinking it was okay to just give some to his dad who was under his limit. This of course is not okay because your daily limit includes any fish eaten or given away. His honesty cost him even though he didn't think he did anything wrong.

It constantly amazes me to read about all these imaginary rules that don't seem to show up anywhere...maybe there should be a rule that you have to quote the page number from the Regulations with any rules posted on a fishing forum to make sure everybody is reading things correctly..;)
Well I decided to look further after reading Scrimmy's post because I know he has been stopped more than any of us being a charter captain and I found this on the MNR site and I have to apologize for the mis information in my first post we probably didn't get the whole story from the OFN poster anyways .here's the info I found C&P from the MNR site .
•Possessing more fish than permitted by your fishing licence or the fishing quota. Catch and retain and possession limits may vary by region, fisheries division, individual body of water, or even parts of a body of water. You must determine your “daily” fishing limit for the waters you intend to fish and follow these limits. Remember you may only catch your own limit – there are no provisions for “party” fishing or for excluding fish that you may have consumed or plan to consume that day.

again Sorry for the mis info I won't be lazy and take someone elses word for it next time[:I]


I would like to thank Denali custom rods and The Rod Glove for their support
No need to apologize SRT8, if you take the article (and the dozens of replies) at face value, it seemed to be true and make sense. I guess I may be a little cynical when I read these so I try and check everything out for myself (especially when the weather is bad and I have too much time to kill).

I get into these "discussions" all the time at work over Building Code, Fire Code etc and have decided checking the codes or regs for yourself is a good way to learn about the stuff. Now when someone says "that's against code" I often now ask them to quote the section so I can check it out...many times they can't since they are repeating hearsay. The fishing regs are no different. There are lots of rules quoted all the time and sometimes they become generally accepted even if they are misinterpretations or non-existent. One that was quoted on the same OFN string was that it is illegal to remove a walleye from the water if it is in the slot size...ridiculous, how would you even measure it? Makes you shake your and wonder doesn't it but I have heard that one a few times now. There are a lot of rules there and they can be a bit confusing but really they aren't that bad especially in combination with a bit of common sense and some time studying.
Just a thought does anyone know were to get a hold of a actual copy of the fish and game act prolly a long read but I would love to actually have a look at it the way it is written not just the summary.


I would like to thank Denali custom rods and The Rod Glove for their support
The Act is called the "Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act" and here's a link to it:
:Dscrimmy ur right on[8)]5 peeps / 5 limits my boats bin checked that away /to say you caught over ur limit and gave them away is nother subject[:o)]how ever on the grand with one fish l;imit ive seen guys catch and release more // how many fish can you target in one day ??????????? lets see the posts on that one [?][?][?][?][?]
Fisherman, Page 7 of the regs states

"If you catch a fish after reaching the daily catch or possession limit for that species, the fish must be released immediately back to the water (see Ontario’s Catch and Retain Rules, on page 9). If the limit is zero, anglers may practise catch and release only, and any fish caught must be released immediately back into the water in a manner that does not harm the fish."

There is also a new section on page 9 covering the use of live wells to selectively cull fish which states:

"Anglers fishing from a boat may now catch, hold, and selectively live release more walleye, northern pike, largemouth or smallmouth bass than the daily limit, provided:
(a) the fish are held in a livewell with a mechanical aerator operating at all times, (see Anglers Guide, page 8, for livewell requirements)
(b) the fish comply with any applicable size limits,
(c) the Sport or Conservation Fishing Licence daily catch and retain limits for walleye or northern pike are not exceeded at any one time,
(d) no more than six largemouth or smallmouth bass (or any combination) caught under a Sport Fishing Licence are retained at any one time, and
(e) the Conservation Fishing Licence catch and retain limits for largemouth and smallmouth bass (or any combination) are not exceeded at any one time.
Anglers are reminded to closely monitor the condition of fish held in a livewell. Only fish that are in such a condition that they will survive may be released (see Tips on Live Release of Fish, page 10). Releasing a fish that will not survive and allowing the flesh of that fish to be wasted is an offence. Any fish not
live-released are part of your daily catch and retain limit.

Can't really see much of an arguement here...
I am a tax accountant retiring in two months to fish full time, maybe some golf thrown in.
People wondered whether I would be bored but seeing the discussion on these reg's I will actually feel like I never quit!
I learned already that you don't have to stop at five to keep fishing if the limit is six. (not that I keep the limit each time).
Originally posted by angler

I am a tax accountant retiring in two months to fish full time, maybe some golf thrown in.
People wondered whether I would be bored but seeing the discussion on these reg's I will actually feel like I never quit!
I learned already that you don't have to stop at five to keep fishing if the limit is six. (not that I keep the limit each time).

[}:)]hire a laywer i guess8
:Dthe minstry of nuckle heads and retards are very kool if you look decent [?]they will understand the situation on fish counts [}:)]so floating basket or bag box or wat ever as long as the count is correct they will pass you and piggy we didnt need the charter of wat ever to be added to this postings [xx(][V][^]8
Angler, at least when you're fishing you don't have to give half of what you catch to the government like you do with taxes!!:D
Originally posted by canvasbacksca

The Act is called the "Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act" and here's a link to it:



I would like to thank Denali custom rods and The Rod Glove for their support
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