
Well-Known Member
for port bruce that is.

last week outing should have been enough to make me leary about going again-----however tomorrow "looks good" to me. Going to be "cooler" and the wind may have stirred things up enough to make a good day of it.

bringing company with me this time tho----here she is::D



Hey packrat...........I think we are going out tomorrow hopefully the wind settles down abit herd the fish were in a little closer ,around the 25fow , if you see 16ft springbok give a wave it will be us ,good luck.....................apps
Originally posted by apps

Hey packrat...........I think we are going out tomorrow hopefully the wind settles down abit herd the fish were in a little closer ,around the 25fow , if you see 16ft springbok give a wave it will be us ,good luck.....................apps

will do apps--prob be on the pier before 6

Wind is supposed to be 20+ out of the North West on Tuesday so I posponed the morning charter until Wednesday morning as the winds are supposed to be negligable Wednesday.
Hey scrimmy...............thanks for the heads up ,may as well sleep in with 20+ winds don't sound like fun.........................apps
packrat was downfor a drive on sunday did not fish but lots of perch being caught talked to a couple regulars they said fish came on thurday so they had 4 good days of fishing going to try to get out wednesday
Wayne -u almost wright:D-went out for a ride 20k + ssw-a little bumpy but not that bad:P-just went out 2 reset some gear,so gd to go for wed.will listen for u-PS if any 1 wants to perch fish wed. check for minnows-Molly,s out today.
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