Old Photos - LPWMU

Duck Soup

Well-Known Member
R.O.C. (Radio Operator's Certificate)
Hi Everyone,

As most of you already know, 2011 is the 50th Anniversary of the Long Point Waterfowl Unit. We are taking the opportunity to celebrate and also raise a few more dollars to invest in the marsh. I’ve been asked to get as many photos of Unit patrons as we can show at the Dinner/Banquet on October 22nd. We’ll have an automatic projector featuring “us” both recently and in the past 50 years. Fred Salembier and the Long Point Provincial Park have both loaned us their albums so we have some historic material. I will ask photographer Ted Smith for permission to include some more recent high quality photos as well.

We would also very much appreciate any good stuff you have and are willing to share. Please scan old photos and send them electronically to lpwa@kwic.com or send me a Walmart copy by regular mail c/o Arnold Freitag, 21 Dogwood Drive, Simcoe, Ontario, N3Y 4T5. Please include a short description. I hardly recognize myself 30 years ago. I plan to add names to photos, especially the older ones.

Best Regards and thanks, Arnold
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