old cut


Well-Known Member
fished old cut today in between 2 of jimmys huts huts had fish 15 to 20 fish when i left one fish for me in 4 hours got the hell out of there having frozen pizza tonite maybe should put some anchovies on it. going to giver hell in febuary i can hardly wait to hit the beach in pt bruce in april.
Tough fishing foresure. Just think if you could catch perch through the ice like we all caught them off bruce and burwell this past spring and summer. Guess I should stop day dreaming eh!

Brian (Legend Man)
Originally posted by giller

fished old cut today in between 2 of jimmys huts huts had fish 15 to 20 fish when i left one fish for me in 4 hours got the hell out of there having frozen pizza tonite maybe should put some anchovies on it. going to giver hell in febuary i can hardly wait to hit the beach in pt bruce in april.

Not to hijack your thread giller---but now you've done it.:)

Didnt know the run at pt bruce started that early---last year was first time for me so I dont know the history----didnt start fishing the pier until early/mid June

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