Ya specially if your in front of me cam.
Got a maxus last night hanson, Shot one saturday 6 birds 7 shots and there was 2 good 40 yarders, and 2 greenheads that didnt have heads when hawk brought them back
thats good Matt
we have been pounding the geese on the river every other night you should try to come over getting a few mallards there as well , there have also been alot of golden eyes on the river which is early but we have not been gunning them but they whip through the goose decoys . are you shooting the bay this weekend ?
Thanks guys, not trusting the information that I get from SOME of the guys on this forum I called the office and checked with Fred yesterday. The office will continue to open at 5 through November and changes to 6 Dec. 1. This is for all hunters, line-up and reservation....
no hunting at home for once, we got a flooded corn feild and 2 flooded hardwoods we have been shooting all week and they just wont leave so im going smash em hard this week cause next is the deer hunt.mark and my dad are hunting friday
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