off topic small engine repair I need part


Well-Known Member
hey there posting here because someone might have info my snow blower tossed a rod it has a 7hp tecumseh motor the rod part # i need is 32591c anyone have one or know where I might get one
skinny would it not be cheaper to go and buy a new one from princess auto the last time i looked a 6 hp was only about 165$ only a suggestion. and all is new again.

keepen'er afloat is always better than sinkin.
I'm not sure where you live, but if you are close to London, try Kensal Rental Service - 309 Springbank Dr - 519-471-9910. Last year I needed a head gasket for a tecumseh mower engine and after being sent all over the city by several other part suppliers, I decided to just stop in and try them. All other suppliers gave me the stink eye when I uttered the word Tecumseh, but the parts guy here didn't even bat an eye and I left with it in hand it in no time... the price was fair too. :)
Skinny, just go to the hardware store and buy a shovel. I'm sure the friendly, helpful staff there can lead you in the right direction. Well, maybe not the tall, handsome silver haired fella. All he wants to do is talk fishing, or better yet, BE FISHING! Ahahahahahaha! [:o)]



$22.19 and shipping is $8

Dan B.

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