Off Topic: Attention Site Sponsors


Staff member
Jack @Willows' Den just pointed out that he was unable to effectively use Channel 6-8 after being added to the 'Site Sponsor' group. It seems that I introduced a bit of a bug. I know it's hard to believe that I made a mistake, but I guess May 27th isn't a bad date for a first mistake of the year:oops: :happy:. Site Sponsors, if you were having trouble using Channel 6-8, I hope it's working for you now. Please let me know if there is a problem and please accept my apologies for any inconvenience.
First mistake of the year? No way, first mistake of the decade maybe. You just keep doing what you are doing. It looks like there are new members popping up every week this year or is it just my observation?
Hmmm, now there is a novel business plan, have someone give you money and then ban them from the site. Just kidding, even I make msitakes.
Guess I should have tested this a little. Hopefully, the 6-8 sponsors are a forgiving bunch (I'm thinking they must be).