Nov 29/2010 short report


Well-Known Member
Went at it again on a Lake O trib----what a beautiful late fall day. The scenery was beautiful with mild temps later in the morning--our destination was beautiful---level was up from the recent rains and mint colour. The only thing missing was some chrome---didnt see any moving and all the spots we tried seemed to be bare of fish---couldnt buy a sniff.

The only "ugly" part of the day was the two "fights" that broke out in the parking lot between some fat balding old guy and a pair of chest waders that seem to be two sizes too small:D (the price was right):P

Well you tried Gord and besides it is never a bust just to get out and enjoy. Going to be awhile for things to clear around here. Who ended up winning the fight, the bald guy or the waders,lol.My money is on the waders.
Originally posted by tim_pinnell
Well you tried Gord and besides it is never a bust just to get out and enjoy. Going to be awhile for things to clear around here. Who ended up winning the fight, the bald guy or the waders,lol.My money is on the waders.

:D:DSounds like you've been there Tim

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