no surprises here


Well-Known Member
was in Dover late this afternoon for supper at Knecthels and just had to check out the pier etc etc.

lake was pretty well flat, water was greenish/clear and only 3-4 people fishing


Packrat when do you think the perch will start showing up? Judging by your reports from this year, compared to reports from previous years, this hasnt been a very good spring in the dover area?

While we wait for Packrat to respond.. I'll add my 2 cents worth :D

I have fished Port Dover the better part of 30 years now. Somedays the place is on fire, other times all you are doing is washing worms.

The cool wet spring hasn't helped at all, water temp has been slow to warm up. If you have a boat then you can find them. Reports from another board indicate the big jumbos are around.. just not near the piers yet.

Just need a good solid 2 weeks of warm temps and that should do the trick I hope!
Originally posted by quinner01

Packrat when do you think the perch will start showing up? Judging by your reports from this year, compared to reports from previous years, this hasnt been a very good spring in the dover area?


Q---to be brutally honest---ran out of ideas for Dover. Weather patterns/wind directions that "used" to turn them on arent working this year. Like Bassmaster says and I think a lot of people will agree need an extended period of warm stable weather to warm the shoreline water up to the temp the perch will like.

Aside from Dover even Bruce pier isnt enjoying the action that was there "last year" when the schools were hanging around for several weeks and people were getting limits almost daily.


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