TMAN does make an interesting point though. Nobody answered... not even to say it wasn't possible to know what his chances were.
A few weeks back a fellow asked about how to book the DU fields. That post sat for a week and through hundreds of views before I answered and told him to check at the unit office for the details.
Back in early October another guy posted about his trip of a lifetime to Saskatchewan. Nobody responded, not even to say nice! I sent him a private email congratulating him on the trip and he told me he was shocked that I was the only person to comment.
As I understand it this forum is for the LPWA... at least it says so at the top of the page. One would think that folks from the LPWA, either members or the executive, would answer direct questions about the operation of the waterfowl unit. Sometimes the answer is "I don't know" but at least it is a response.
I don't come on here very often and I have to confess that I have not hunted the Unit even once this year but I still found time to answer a simple question. It is a shame more folks don't do so. The forum is a great way to share our love of the outdoors, our passion for waterfowl and our knowledge of the Long Point area. It will only be valuable if folks participate.