New Site Sponsor - Big Rod's Fishing Charters


Staff member
No stranger to the board, please welcome Big Rod as a site sponsor!


I didn't see that a wheelbarrow full was guaranteed, but we have all seen that Rod can catch them.
Thanks for promoting my new business....much appreciated :)

Big Rod
Good luck with the charter business, BR. I've been reading alot of the older posts on here, that I missed in the last year or so, and, am really intrigued with the fishery you have down there. Might have to book a trip for the little lady and I. I do have my own boat, but, it's only a 14 fter with a 15 hp, so, tough to hit the big water.
Welcome aboard As a site sponcer BR.. Definitly no stranger here..
PS Cool Video on other post ;)


The Worst Day At Fishing Beats The Best Day At Work

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