Need a partner for Eyes trip from Burwell


Well-Known Member

while waiting for Arnie to finish his Salmon/Bows from last week and after reading so many good reports from Bruce/ is time for me to try them myself...a long trip for me and with the gas prices this year I am trying to be creative....

1) Looking for someone from the GTA willing to share cost with me.
I've got Lund boat and all equipment needed (riggers, dipsy, leadcore, fishfinders, you name it.)

2) Or someone local to lake Erie/Burwell area in need of a partner on their boat. Then I'll just come with my car and can share their fishing trip cost.
Or alternatively I'll be glad to exchange eyes trip from Burwell for Kings/Bows trip from West end of Lake O.

Can do weekday, or weekend....but depending on the day, may have to take my boys with me if it happens to be on a day that my wife is working.

Feel free to PM...ready to go at first calm day available8D - morning or afternoon...
No sence in keep reading reports....time for some real action guys ha ha ha:D

Ice Fisherman
I sent one too Emil, just wondering if you got it? My luck on PM's seems to be hit and miss....
Originally posted by G.Mech

I sent one too Emil, just wondering if you got it? My luck on PM's seems to be hit and miss....

This is strange I have not ....onlly received one from another member but not yours and Waterboy's.

I though I get them regularly, but maybe not?!?
In fact I was expecting more PM's as I know a lof of guys here are itching to go chase the eyes and was quite surprised when only one came in.

I'll try to PM you now from my side to see what happens.

Got your PM Emil & replied to it but I don't think you are receiving them back. Make sure your e-mail addy is right on your profile In the meantime, PM me your e-mail address if you like.
Originally posted by G.Mech

Got your PM Emil & replied to it but I don't think you are receiving them back. Make sure your e-mail addy is right on your profile In the meantime, PM me your e-mail address if you like.

Got it and replied to you Greg.
We are in business.
I've got lot of PM's/emails from others on the board in the past so I know it works....sometimes:D
Anyhow....we can move to the email now to see what we are going to do about those eyes ha ha ha

Ice Fisherman
Originally posted by Waterboy


Just tried to send you another PM. I don't see yours to me

Try to expedite things

Just emailed you Jason.
Not sure why I get it from one but not from another board member?!?

Ice Fisherman
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