name change


Well-Known Member
R.O.C. (Radio Operator's Certificate)
Well I'm back from the Ottawa Valley and decided to spend the night on my boat. I went fishing this morning at 6:30 and had 2 ten LB+ bows by 7:00AM. Man I thought this was going to be a repeat of last Saturday with limits in both bows and wally's. Boy was I wrong as the 2 bows were the only fish to take my offerings. I decided to call it a day about noon and as I was heading in I got a call for help on the radio. I came apon a 19ft Thundercraft that was dead in the water. It looked like it had 3 generations on board for a days fishing. A granddad, father and a toddler. Well out came the rope and yet another tow back to port. It was about a 6 mile tow and took almost an hour. The grandad was very thankfull and said he was glad I responded to his call. I told him that it was no problem and he was the 6th boat I have towed in in the last month and a half. He shoved a $50.00 bill in my hand and he would not take it back although I tried and tried to give it back. Any way I was thinking about changing the business to "Scrimmy's Sportfishing and boat Towing service" lol,lol,lol I think it has a nice ring to it. What do you guys think,lol See you on the water tomorrow as I have a charter at 7:00AM
Good to know that there are good guys out their willing to lend a hand keep up the good work.
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