My pet peeve


Well-Known Member
If someone rented shooting point # 16, then no one can use #15 and vice versa, because they are too close to each other, right? But how come shooting point # 33 and # 28 are allowed when they are mere 300 to 400 feet from each other. I was at # 28 today and I could see other duck hunter's faces on the northest point of # 33. Why is that, I wonder? By the way, this is the season of ruddy ducks and nothing else.
You have a valid point and this issue will have to be addressed. Essentially people hunting #33 often move towards the tip of the cattails if we have a SW wind. Although regulations exist that regulate the distance one can stray from the post to a maximum of 30 meters, moving further is often tolerated. However, it is not tolerated when it impacts others. When #28 is rented, the people in #33 cannot move to the tip. Since enforcing regulations on a daily basis is difficult the solution to that problem has always been that one or the other blind is closed or you must rent either one or the other like 15 and 16.
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