msg for jimmy riggin


Hey Jimmy, I was wondering if you have been out to bluff bar lately for the pike and how the action has been?


The last time I was out there it was slow but the water was 41 with the sun and warm temps this week I would think it should be good, especially with the cold front that is going to be come on Sunday. I was going to try to get out this week but was way to busy.


Jimmy Carroll
Jimmy Riggin' Fishing Charters
Thanks Jimmy, I gotta check with my dad to see if the boat is going to Proctors tomorrow (or today!) for the lower end being changed.. if not i am gunna try and get out there tomorrow. If I get out I will definitely post a report.Thanks again.

Who are you trying to kid. How could you be busy this time of year. Does Steph have you working on a honey-do-list:D I'll be down at the cottage this weekend, I'll drop in for a Bud Lite visit:D

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