Morning Ice Pic


Well-Known Member
Here are this morning's pics (Jan. 2) of the ice. The dark spots are open water. The water is just offshore St. Williams. The white spots are snowflakes.


ferg: thanks for the photos ,is the open water just a result of the crack opened up from all the water ??? I did not see the open water yesterday and the south wind should have pushed the ice to shore. just a question. also was the wind howling there yesterday afternoon?? this will cause the water to move into the low spots of the ice looking like a small lake or open water as well.

keepen'er afloat is always better than sinkin.
I'm not sure Binkley. It was quite windy yesterday and more so overnight. The ice is gone beyond Bait Island which makes me think it has melted. The water starts at the first pressure crack which might indicate flooded ice caused by the high winds. I would walk out and check but I don't want to get my floatation suit wet.;)
Thanks for the pic's ferg. Interesting to see what mother nature is up to. Huron.
Just came back from Port Rowan. Lots and lots of open water. Big Creek is also wide open. There were strong south west winds last night and it is still very windy today.
well you are in booth harbour and I am in delhi so the rope has to mighty long for the pull out if you went in LOL hope the colder temps will redo the solid ice that we had. you mentioned the ice was out past bait island. has it shifted south east or it new found ice from the drop in temp and wind? either way wait till this afternoon to give us an update on the ice thickness.[}:)]

keepen'er afloat is always better than sinkin.
Binkley asked Fergie "you mentioned the ice was out past Bait Island. has it shifted south east or it new found ice". He didn't get back to you but there was ice behind Bait Island and now it's out(gone).It has started to reform.Here is a pict of the open water infront of the St. Williams Access taken about the same time as Fergie's ( Dave was up early).Notice the discoloured water.

On another note; whoever left a hut out by Little Rice Bay is gonna have to chip it out.
These were taken this Am at Sunrise while having a coffee.


Almost looks like open water. That shiny unbroken ice was the first to freeze and looks like it came thru OK but, I guess, you never can tell.I saw Jimmy Granger( I think) out checking the ice. So we'll know soon if it's good to go.

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