Minnows Port Bruce ?

Just wondering if there is minnows available down in Bruce

Try North Erie Marina, they are a site sponsor and they advertise on the sidebar. 5 bucks a scoop and they don't count every minnow. Nobody better than Gregg at the launch either.

Took my wife out today and we fished in about 35 to 40 FOW east of the pier and came home with aboout 30 good size perch 9" to 12"

you will be sorting lots we hooked about 80 fish

we started about 8:00 am and left around 1:00

sorry no pics she is camera shy and won't let me post her pic LOL

look like the people on the pier were doing ok too
We tried the west side first didnt catch much so we also went to the east side only about 24 FOW for us and we caught alot a bit of sorting but got some big ones. Only one side of the boat caught fish though

A bad days fishing better than good days work.
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