Fishing Report Minnows available@NEM

Thank you. Timing couldn't have been better. Had minor surgery on one of my eyes a couple days ago. As soon as I'm able to drive again, possibly tomorrow, maybe not til Saturday, they said give it 2-3 days before driving, a trip to the lake is in order. Can't figure out why they don't want someone to drive while experiencing blurred vision in one eye due to the eye watering a little more than normal while it heals . Don't they know that when the NHL playoffs begin and the first reports of NEM having minnows which almost always happens at about the same time, that means spring has finally officially arrived? Don't they know it's the beginning of fishin season for those of us who don't do this ice fishin thing? Don't they know that as long as my wife is sitting beside me telling me to slow down 10 car lengths behind the closest vehicle in front of me who has for an unknown reason stepped on his brake pedal causing those little red lights on the back of his car that indicate he has done so to come on and that he is slowing down, as she does when I have 2 good eyes, I'll be just fine LMAO.