LPBAA AGM Saturday the 9th 1 - 4 at the Travelodge

Jimmy Riggin

Well-Known Member
Come out for some social time with fellow anglers, great speakers lined up. This Saturday April the 9th, from 1pm - 4pm at the Travelodge in Simcoe.

Join the club, even better become a director! It's a great way to voice your opinions, and an even better way to actually get something done about it. Don't stand on the side lines, come out and join the team in making a difference.


Jimmy Carroll
Jimmy Riggin' Fishing Charters
Jimmy, looking forward to it. See you on Saturday.

Name: Jason Barnucz (Delhi, Ontario)
Thanks to my sponsors Bass Magnet Lures, Koppers Live Target Lures, Fishing World (Hamilton)
2007, 2011 Team Ontario, Ontario BASS Federation Nation
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