Lost and Found at Port Glasgow


Well-Known Member
R.O.C. (Radio Operator's Certificate)
Question? Who would leave 2 fleece pile jackets and 4 life jackets at the launch at Glasgow. I picked them up at 10:30 last night and put them in the back of my truck. I told the snackbar about them this morning at 5:45 AM. I got a call on the radio from the snack bar about 11:30 AM telling me some lady was there to see if anybody found the stuff. Patsy at the snackbar told the lady that I had picked them up and she wanted them back. She told the lady that I was in the middle of a charter but that did not seem to matter to her. She wanted me to come back in and give her the stuff. I was 10 miles east of Glasgow. I told Patsy to send her over to my truck and look in the back as I did not lock the topper. She did so and that was the end of the story. She did not even say thank-you to Patsy or relay a thank-you to me. The nerve of some people. Maybe I should of just left them there for anybody to increase their life jacket supply and gain a couple of nice black fleece jackets.
thats pretty sad scrimmy trying to do a good deed! and thats the thanks you get. some people are so ungrateful but you did the right thing
You did the right thing and that's all that matters. Some people don't deserve good deeds ...and sooner or later they get what's coming to them !
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