looking to target some cold water pike


Well-Known Member
hey wanting to go get some pike as soon as I can get out there on the open water. but I'm not sure I have the tackle needed. it will take me a bit to get some so starting now and looking for suggestion on what to add to my box
spinnerbaits and spoons

Dan B.


Big soft plastic minnows on a jig head.


I would like to thank Denali custom rods and The Rod Glove for their support
Ditto what Shawn and Dan said!! If your down near Rotten Ronnies, stop in and have a chat with Jimmy...he loves talking pike fishing.
For casting, any of the heavier, Daredevle type spoons. Once the weeds get thicker, weedless spoons with a white or chartreuse trailer.
Johnsons silver minnow weedless and they smash it I use a hot pink 4" grub for a trailer


I would like to thank Denali custom rods and The Rod Glove for their support
I have the best luck with Mepps Cyclops and Williams Wobblers spoons.The best thing about pike fishing is though everybody has their own goto lures,you can really use anything in your tackle box and have some success.Even jigheads with twister tails are known to work.
Originally posted by Mumph

I have the best luck with Mepps Cyclops and Williams Wobblers spoons.The best thing about pike fishing is though everybody has their own goto lures,you can really use anything in your tackle box and have some success.Even jigheads with twister tails are known to work.

Yep I catch pike every year on flippin jigs fishing for bass in places summer time pike shouldn't be LOL they can be anywhere and eat anything they are the apex predator on the bay .


I would like to thank Denali custom rods and The Rod Glove for their support
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