Looking for some help


New Member
Good evening all.

Glad to see we have some early ice this year.

I'm looking for a little help if someone would be kind enough to
offer up some advise.

I'm considering coming down next Tuesday for a few hours. I will
be taking a couple of guys with me that have little or no experience
icefishing. I'm wondering which side of the bay would be the easiest for access and shorter walking distance to some decent water for fishing. Would St. Williams be better for that or walking out of Old Cut? I could probably convince them to walk 1 km either way but probably would have a hard time convincing them to travel by foot much further than that. I myself have no problem walking the distances and do have experience on the hard water.

I appreciate any and all help I can get.

Thanks in advance fellow fishermen.

Here's to a great hard water season.

Some random thoughts:

I've walked out several times from the St. Williams side almost to EC10. It's a long hard walk under the best of conditions and you don't want to do it if you and your party aren't in peak physical condition.

Make sure you are dressed for the worst conditions and have, at a minimum, a compass. Ice picks, GPS and a cell phone are all a good idea, especially on early ice. (Read Jimmy's article about what to do if you fall in)

I don't know which side is the shorter walk for fish. We always seemed to think we needed to walk farther out from St. Williams. I've seen guys do well in close on the Old Cut side.

My feeling is that the St. Williams side is typically safer ice, but I don't have "hard":p facts to back that up.

I would seriously consider getting a ride out with Jimmy Riggin's ice taxi or with a St. Williams outfitter if they will take you out.
ya id wait till the guides or "pros" are out there, according to jimmy his huts are going out on the 27th, i looked down there today, and im gonna hold off until i see traffic and huts, only really veteran ice anglers should be out there, and thats not sheep talk, it is the truth, in my opinion the ice is not yet ready and no fish
is worth your life- go buy a perch dinner, although, maybe it is worth it- fish is expensive-lol

fishing,for some a hobby, for most an addiction
I hear you BMG... the walk out and in are both great exercise... if you survive them. That trip can be a widowmaker even if the ice is solid. Be careful out there!
I'd stay away from deer creek! It freezes later that the bay does! Just a few days ago a good portion of the main body was still open water... It's likely the last lake to freeze over in the area..
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