looking for good map LPB


Well-Known Member
hey was looking on line for a good map that shows the places out in the bay i really didin't find a real good one anyone have a link to a good one
There's a fishing map of LPB I've seen at the Esso in Pt.Rowan and I believe Jimmy sells it at Rotten Ronnies.I have one,it's not a navigational map but more of a pictorial map that shows where to fish for what at different times of the year.It has the inner bay on one side and the outer on the other side.Keep your eye out for t.
I have a big 3' x 4' nav map that I picked up a few years back. Rotten Ronnies should have them and I think Sand Boy sells them too

Dan B.


Try anglers atlas not sure if they have lpb or not


I would like to thank Denali custom rods and The Rod Glove for their support
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