Long Point Causeway


Well-Known Member
Please take a few minutes and give the Causeway Improvement Project your 10 votes:


This project, by installing ecopassages ( 8 ) and large culverts ( 3 ) under the Causeway, will not only benefit rare and endangered turtles and snakes, it will also benefit fish such as Pike and Largemouth by increasing access to the Big Creek Marsh as well as waterfowl via increasing the water exchange between the Bay and the Marsh. We have raised the $$ to install 2 ecopassages and 1 large culvert this fall pending successful completion of an EA this summer.

Please pass this on to anyone who enjoys Long Point or who just appreciates healthy, productive wetlands -- thanks!

( For more on the project, see this: http://longpointcauseway.com/ )

Dave Ankney
To whom it may concern;

My main question is " How will this effect waterfowling in what is called "B-Zone" ?

I ask this as I have heard that "viewing platforms" were to be built on the "bayside" otherwise known as "B- Zone" thus infringing upon our right to hunt undisturbed.Now if it just means some culverts to let God's little creatures go back and forth and even enough room for a bike path cum walking path( as I'm sick & tired of swerving around those clowns that stop/park to look at the pretty little birds along the Causeway !),I don't see too much of a big deal but if it opens up the area so that those squirrelkissingleaflickingsocallednaturalists can screw up a prefectly good duck hunt.....then I am against it !

And yes I went to the website suggested and read through the very nice glossy B.S.??? Just remember it's people that hunt and fish that made/makes Long Point what it is.

Chris Kozak
Life long cottager at Long Point and Sustaining Member of the LPWA
Actually, OCLP, it's the abundant fish and waterfowl that make Long Point what it is and it's because of habitat that the fish and waterfowl are abundant. This project is about making the habitat even better -- I wouldn't be involved otherwise.

There will NOT be any viewing platforms erected in B-Zone and you can take that to the bank.
Hey, OCLP! I did forget to mention that there will be a viewing platform erected just to the west of your cottage and across the channel. Jim Granger will be there soon to dredge some spoil for the base of the platform -- keep your eyes open for it.
A viewing tower erected for who(m)? General public as in birdwatchers or govt. officials to observe waterfowlers ?Where abouts exactly are they erecting this as we do recall the tower that stood beside our cottage many years ago for Ministry people only.

This thread went south in a hurry! LOL

I went on the LPCIP site and liked what I saw. That stretch of roadway is long overdue for improvements and if the ecosystem benefits we all win.

One question: with additional outlets under the causeway do we anticipate the flow of Big Creek to be reduced at the outlet? What would be the impact of any change to the current channel where the Creek meets the Bay?

I don't see those additional outlets changing the normal water flow in Big Creek, Archer. Rather, when we get strong wind tides ( seiches ) like we had on Sunday when Big Creek was flowing upstream, there will be water flowing into the marsh through those outlets / inlets and it will flow out again as the "tide" recedes, etc. This will act to "flush" the Big Creek marsh and help to keep it from further filling in. It will also increase nutrient flow between the bay and the marsh.
To whom it may concern this is written without prejudice or malice;

I concur with you Professor "it is the fish & waterfowl that makes Long Point special" that is what drew my father here back in 1947 and prompted him to build in 1952 ! Alas ...times do change things ? Long Point was reknown for being a "Sportsman's Paradise",after Labour Day only diehard fishermen and duck hunters were to be found on the Point. Now that it's turned into Canada's SouthCoast Retirement Villa a guy can't "water a bush" or "check his bilge"(wink,wink) without being seen !

Which raises the privacy issue; I don't recall being polled if a viewing platform should be built in front of our cottage(or other near by cottages) which in turn would detract from our view which we have enjoyed for years and then there is the trespass issue ? People will want to try and find a "shortcut" to this so-called viewing platform. What about garbage ? What about the wear and tear on the surrounding area ?

So dear sir[et al] Where exactly is this "proposed" viewing platform to be built ? When and who approved this idea ? Please provide contact info regarding this issue so that myself and/or others concerned can direct our questions and/or legal counsel.

If I come off as a bit cynical it's only because in my dealings with things that concern waterfowling, improvements and Long Point someone whom I once trusted made words of promise that they didn't keep. So ??? As for "taking it to the bank" ? I'm sure that "the cheque is in the mail "too ...right ?

It clearly shows on the Causeway Improvement website viewing areas built out into the bay off the Causeway !

Chris Kozak
Life long cottager at Long Point and Sustaining Member of the LPWA
Nope, there's no cheque in the mail, OCLP, but Granger is out there moving dirt right now and you can take that to the bank, too! :D
I believe one of the stated objectives was to reduce the silt deposits at the outlet of Big Creek. Will this flushing not simply spread the deposits over a larger area? Is it likely to change the nature of the "B Zone" area by increasing the growth of wild rice and reducing the choking weeds? Increased flow / exhange of water and nutrients might improve the circumstances in a favourable way.

Originally posted by canvasbacksca

I don't see those additional outlets changing the normal water flow in Big Creek, Archer. Rather, when we get strong wind tides ( seiches ) like we had on Sunday when Big Creek was flowing upstream, there will be water flowing into the marsh through those outlets / inlets and it will flow out again as the "tide" recedes, etc. This will act to "flush" the Big Creek marsh and help to keep it from further filling in. It will also increase nutrient flow between the bay and the marsh.

According to the hydrologist and the DU biologist with whom we've consulted, Paul, the culverts will restore the hydraulic connection between the marsh and bay, now blocked by the Causeway, and will facilitate movement of sediment between Big Creek Marsh and the Inner Bay. They will also improve biological connectivity, i.e., movement and exchange of species and gene flow between the marsh and bay. I think that you're right that it will also have a positive impact on Coletta Bay ( B-Zone ) because increased water flow should enhance the growth of both wild rice and wild celery.
Hmmm... more wild celery. My two favorite species of ducks love to dine on that. Here's wishing!

Where exactly are they erecting this tower Dave ? I would like to think that some cottagers would have been consulted or at least notified and then of course what is the purpose of said tower besides observing and who will be using it .As my brother correctly asked what about privacy issues as well as possible trespassing on private property to get to said tower and of course litter.This issue was NOT discussed at the Waterfowler's AGM and most should have been as it seems this idea has been in the works for a while since Jim Granger is already contracted to do work. Who suggested such a tower and why ? Members should be told about this .
As an outdoorsman and community member, I support this initiative, including any appropriately placed viewing platforms (that are indicated in this thread, but that I can't find mention of or locations for anywhere else).
So as not to steal your thread regarding the Causeway I will create one regarding the "Viewing Platform at Old Cut". I do believe in the basis that work on the Causeway is needed to improve water quality and control migration of turtles,etc.,etc. but I am of the belielf that certain people have an agenda and will push thru "their ideals " against the local taxpaying cottagers of Long Point without proper due consideration !
With the installation of these culverts what is the potential that it could harm/lower water levels in big creek marsh causing the wet ‘pot holes’ to fill in with typha?
I'd estimate the ability of these things to lower water-levels to be VERY low (zero). Consider all of the chanels, boatwells, dredging, water-taking and shoreline works that are continuously occurring around Lake Erie- really makes a few culverts seem pretty insignificant as far as lake-levels are concerned, doesn't it?
Duckduckgoose is correct that these culverts won't lower the water level in the marsh in the Big Creek National Wildlife Area because the water level in the marsh, the Inner Bay, and at the mouth of Big Creek will all be equal to each other and to the level of Lake Erie itself. All that the culverts will do is partially restore the natural water flow between marsh and bay that has been blocked by the causeway for many years now.

OCLP, I'm pleased that you do agree that these culverts are needed to improve water quality and wildlife movement. I understand your concern about viewing platforms in B-Zone and, yes, they were in the conceptual plan commissioned by the Causeway Committee and I emphasize the word "conceptual" because that's all it is. There's no way the Committee, which has a fair number of hunters on it, or MNR would ever even consider putting in such viewing platforms. And, if by some ridiculous turn of events, one were to be built there, I'll be the first guy out there with a chainsaw cutting it down -- and that you can take to the bank! ;)
Thanks Dave! That answers my question in regards to "B" Zone viewing platforms and I will take your word on that. Can you explain the platform on Old Cut Channel ?
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