

Well-Known Member
Just wondering if there is a limit of how much fish a person can have in there possesion if they are not a fisher person. i e if i gave my neighbour my daily limit of perch could he accept more and store them in his freezer? I'm not looking to break any laws it is a hypothectical question. Is there limititaions on game given to you, that is caught leagally.
As if I'd ever give away all of my hard caught booty. lol Just interested in your opoin on this topic since there is nothing in the regs
This is actually a pretty darn good question. At first I thought, same as anyone else...a one day limit, but, if you don't actually have a license...hmmm???
I would suggest calling the ministry on this one...I did a quick google search, and, from what I've seen you have to be a valid license holder to have sportfish in your posession. Yet I'm sure many of us have given away the odd fish or two to someone who doesn't actually participate in the sport.
I would hate to see this as a "loophole" or opportunity for people to abuse limits.
i just read a article under fishing questions that states your daily limit is your freezer limit so if you have a regular license to catch 50 perch that is all you are aloud to have in your freezer at one time some people will tell you a hundred but by the article that is incorrect but for example if you give 20 away that day you have to wait till the next day to catch 20 more so your freezer has 50 again same as for giving the fish to your neighbor he does not need to have a license but can only possess what your licence is under for example it says he should keep a record of who gave him the fish and when i know it sounds stupid but that's what it says it also states if you have a shore lunch that has to go in your daily limit that day so you cant eat 20 perch that day and before you go home that day go back out and catch your 20 more perch to make 50 again but you could the next day and also a lot of people like to skin there fish it says lot of people ask the question how much skin do i leave on it says it has to be enough so it can be identified at first glance. i typed in how many perch are you allowed in your freezer in ontario and clicked on the site fishing questions hope that helps i did not no the answer myself until i looked it up forty5goingon65
unless that guy has a fishing license, i'd be keeping that silent, putting it on here was the first mistake, i wouldnt want a CO knocking on his door,but it depends,just depends.

fishing,for some a hobby, for most an addiction
My guess is, since you gave him those fish - and they weren't sold (you'd really get yourself in trouble selling them without a commercial licence) they'd have to be included in your possession limit.
Originally posted by BASS-master-Gordon

unless that guy has a fishing license, i'd be keeping that silent, putting it on here was the first mistake, i wouldnt want a CO knocking on his door,but it depends,just depends.

fishing,for some a hobby, for most an addiction

It is not illegal to give fish to a person without a lisence and they are allowed to posess the same as a person with a sport lisence and the fish that are given away count towards your daily limit .

I understand the regs to say that you are allowed 50 for each licence in your household as well as 50 for each child under 16 years of age. I'm not sure that the children are reguired to have caught them.

Dick Saarloos
What if I bought 15lbs of pearch and put them in my freezer.Thats probably more that a hundred fillets . Is this wrong or illigal. Just a guestion.
What if I bought 15lbs of pearch and put them in my freezer.Thats probably more that a hundred fillets . Is this wrong or illigal. Just a guestion.

You can buy and store as much fish as you can afford or fit in your freezer; but make sure you get and keep your recite and packaging proving they were purchased from a legitimate licensed fish supplier.

just when was the last time you had a CO in your house asking to see a receipt for fish in your freezer. Anybody?
Here"s my take on the possesion question...I go fishing on Sat. & Sun on Lake Erie, I happen to get lucky and catch my limit of 50 perch per day. That"s 100 perch which is my possesion limit. That for my 2 days of fishing I can take that many home. The fish must be identifiable to a co. Meaning not cleaned or some skin left on. So I get home put them in my freezer for future consumption.MMMMM.
On Wed. of the next week I decide to go again to Lake Erie, and I get lucky again for about 35 nice perch oh man am I happy I now have 135 perch in my freezer,that"s going to do me for awhile.
Am I worried that I have 135 perch in my freezer?....NOT one bit.
Even 200 no worry, I have 3 kids that fish and a wife that loves fishing..
Just my thoughts:)
Originally posted by Thirstystone

Here"s my take on the possesion question...I go fishing on Sat. & Sun on Lake Erie, I happen to get lucky and catch my limit of 50 perch per day. That"s 100 perch which is my possesion limit. That for my 2 days of fishing I can take that many home. The fish must be identifiable to a co. Meaning not cleaned or some skin left on. So I get home put them in my freezer for future consumption.MMMMM.
On Wed. of the next week I decide to go again to Lake Erie, and I get lucky again for about 35 nice perch oh man am I happy I now have 135 perch in my freezer,that"s going to do me for awhile.
Am I worried that I have 135 perch in my freezer?....NOT one bit.
Even 200 no worry, I have 3 kids that fish and a wife that loves fishing..
Just my thoughts:)

Although it would be very hard to prove what you are describing is totally illegal you must catch the fish in order for it to be part of YOUR limit so IF they prove you were out 3 times without your wife or kids you would most definately be charged .I know Lake Erie is not hurting any when it comes to perch but should we really be exploiting grey areas to keep over our limits? Absolutely NOT if you want to take 3 lisensed anglers out from your household and catch and keep 150 perch then all the power to you but you really shouldn't be catching that many yourself and say the wife and kids were with me .IMO :)

Originally posted by lazyman

just when was the last time you had a CO in your house asking to see a receipt for fish in your freezer. Anybody?

Prolly never happen but does that mean you shouldn't protect yourself ? just because you rarely see a CO does not mean we shouldn't care about the regulations they protect our fisheries .

Thank you SRT8 I was just answering the Dutchman’s question.

Lazyman; lets say that you or whoever did go and buy 15lbs of perch filets from a commercial operator legally. (you’re planning a fish fry next week or whatever?)

In the mean time you’re out in the bay and catch your limit of perch.

Someone at the dock hears you saying; I’ve got 15lbs of fillet in my freezer already and this catch will give me at least another 5lbs.
You haven’t done anything wrong; have you?

But now this someone turns out to be a busybody, self riotous want-to-be and calls the TIPS line with your vehicles plate number.
The next thing you know, a CO shows up at your house and you don’t have a recite for your legally purchased fish.

It be like what Ricky Ricardo use to say; LUCY you’s gots sum esplaining tu do.

And don’t think it couldn’t happen; people are getting into more and more of other peoples business all the time.
Sometimes good; sometimes not.

I hate getting into these threads but thought I would point out that the possession limit is only 50 perch for Lake Erie (Zone 19). Lake Simcoe is 100 (Zone 16) and that is an exception to the general limit of 50 in the majority of the zone.

So, since we are into hypothetical questions anyway, here are a couple more to think about....

1) They come to my house and I have 100 perch....where did they come from, Lake Simcoe, Zone 16, or Zone 19 and how does anyone prove it?

2) I caught the perch before New Years and now my license is expired. How many can I have?

I am really not interested in answer to these but I thought it would be fun to toss 'em out there anyway!!

I would still love a definitive answer on the first question though; can someone without a fishing license legally possess angler caught fish given to them by somebody that does have a license ????
I don't know how many of you were around here when Markus Kehoe was an Ontario resident, very gifted and comitted outdoorsman and a valued contributor here but I seem to remember a "busy body" having something out for him to the point where he got a visit from our local CO's. If I remember right he came out clean but still had to deal with the hassle.


their is no long a possesion limit it is the same as your daily limit if you catch 50 sat and u are the only one in the house u cannot keep any more fish
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