Last chance Pt. Bruce walleye?....hope not!!


Well-Known Member
I thought that I was going to log in tonight and see a ton of posts beacause of all the boats that were out today in search of the walleye.

We however (youngest daughter and her boyfriend) didn't fair so well today not skunked but not great one 5 lbs'er!

Started out the same as we always do straight out from port to about 60 FOW and starting marking some nice sized fish thinking it was going to be a bounty!

Lead lines out 7 and 10 colour pinks and purples to start the day
Riggers were set to 40 and 50 ft down with leads 80 and 110 ft out oranges on both
Water temp was 67 degrees on the surface
Winds were from the east....north east

We did 25 and 55 ft on the riggers even tried 60 ft back on up to 200 not a sniff couldn't even get a sheep head to notice what we were up to

speed range was 1.5 to 3.4 mph nottin.......

finally a lonely 5lbs walleye hit the 7 colour lead at about 9:00 am and we thought this is the start of it but nope no more......

we as always still had a great day together and what more could I ask for!

I'll tell you what my limit!!!!! just kidding

We had a visit from the CO out there today didn't stop us just a run by but did stop another boat just east of us then went to on the others in the area ...

one really amazing thing did happen and I wish I had my camera out to take the shot was a large rainbow jumping out of the water about 70 ft behind us
what a sight too bad he didn't have one of our lures in his mouth!

Some pics of the day

still some room at the front this mornig

fall is in the air....

my daughter liked this pic

and this one

the little guy coming to the boat

Magg's prize

the CO spot check

late morning
same thing happend to us, we went out this evening from burwell hopeing to nail some big ones with only a couple hours of light we setup like mad men with everything to lose lol .. but nothin poped then just befor we called it a day we got a small one on the lead core 10 colours out..oh well better luck next time eh lol..

the weather reports didn't look great for today

we drove into Pt. Bruce this morning and the highway was wet...puddles everwhere but the sky look like it was clearing

I was expecting the waves to get to 1 meter by 11:00 am but it held out all day which was nice
long range for your next time looking good for next weekend but thats a long way away....
Went out this afternoon with my father. Out of Pt. Bruce to about 55 ft. Met a buddy out there as we were haeding out, they had 5 wally's in the box so we thought it would be great. Bagged a Rainbow on a Silver Streak Nascar finish copper back. Did a few cartwheels but got him to the net.

Next season I'm gonna figure out how to do photos but I guess I'd better bring a camera out with me:P
ya i would have bin out all day but that thing called work got in my way again lol...i'm going to try and get out some more this week i hope!!,but if i dont i always have fishing in my dreams LOL 8D
You tried, you really tried, you had a lovely day out there from the looks of things.

Some great pictures kmaub, thanks for sharing :)


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