Large Chinny


Well-Known Member
Took out a couple of friends that have not tried Lake O salmon fishingon Sunday. Left Caledonia at 5am...boat in at Fisherman's Pier and fishing by 6am. Headed towards Bronte stopped in 167fow and dropped six lines. 4 mag dipseys w flasher/fly combos and spoons. Down anywhere between 30 and 60 feet. Put two other rods out on inlines w cranks trailing. Total of Six rods out. Didn't mark much fish or bait all day. Trolled from 80-180fow. Had three hits and landed just one...but a beauty, especially for my first chinny of the year and my buddies first ever. Took off over 500 feet of line before got him settled down a little. Boys were pumped after that one for sure! Not sure how much he weighed as scale battery not working.....anybody got any guesses? I am thinking around the thirty mark? He came off the middle mag dips on a three setting 100feet out in 170 fow/green silver flasher/fly.scott 1st salmon.JPG
Nice One got to b 30+,,,goes 2 show you how big they are....salmon derby prize winner for sheer.....