Lake Simcoe - Gilford


Well-Known Member
They have been walking out on cooks bay in Gilford since the 16 of Dec. I've heard even someone went out on snowmobile this week.... I think he nuts.... I'm hearing there is only 4-5 inches of ice. Dec 17/10 they had 20 guys brave enough to walk out there... I think I'll wait til well after Christmas til i get out there.. check the lake simcoe mesage board or for more accurate ice conditions. They post daily ice reports for cooks bay and catch of the day on those too excited to wait to get their perch. It would be safer to wait a good week or so, before going out. In my opinion.
We were there on Sunday Dec 19th and there was minimum 5" of good ice anywhere we drilled with almost 6" in most spots at the South end of the bay. Everyone I talked to reported similar conditions. There were at least 200 guys out and a few sleds driving around as well(we walked out however with our floater suits on). The perch fishing was fast and furious all day but most fish were small. We caught close to 300 fish but kept only a few of the bigger ones for a treat. I would imagine you will see lots of ATV's and sleds out over the holidays. I am by no means saying it is smart or safe, that is up to the individuals involved but I will be taking the ATV next trip.
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