Lake Ontario Report (Jordan Harbor) Upper Niagara


R.O.C. (Radio Operator's Certificate)
Friday April 3rd

Got boat in at Jordan Harbor (Lake Ontario) but still some ice so was a bit difficult. Jordan location is between Beamsville and St Catharines. We started out late 13:00 and in no time had bites. Chinook within 20 min. just a small shaker. We lost 2 close after that. We than picked up a 8lb Brown. Trolling mud lines and through the mud gave us some good action. We lost 3 more fish. Than by 18:00 got another 12 lb chinook. Continued until 19:20 where we ended up missing 1 more fish.

Saturday April 4th

To rough to get out on Lake Ontario at 7:00 am at Jordan and Port Dalhousie so we went up to Upper Niagara Fort Erie area. Dropped in at the public ramp by Nichols Marina. Jigging for Walleye and eneded up with 2 within a 1.30 minutes. One was 5lb the other around 3 lb. Picked up as the wind had shift to a NW in an attempt to get on Lake Ontario. Got out at Jordan put was very lumpy and we got spooled on one fish and had a large brown to the boat estimated between 12-16lb.


Fantastic. A few of us that didn't have Easter plans were planning on going to Jordan or Dalhousie this AM until we woke to see 1" of snow everywhere, I know I know, it won't kill ya but I'm getting too old for that. My brother lives in Pt. Dalhousie and said Jordan had many boats there yesterday. So we are talking about going this week some time.
It's nice to hear about a soft water fishing report! I hope I can get out soon. Waiting for my new Legend xcalibur 20 to arrive. I ordered it 2 weeks ago, hoping for mid April to May 1st to have it. Come on summer!
Thanks for that report @Spider... nice to see you guys targeting walleye! Is backtrolling an option on the Niagara :D?
With that current @stomp back trolling would be tough to control the boat I think, also tough to get a vertical presentation on a jig like the Detroit River. Never jigged on the Niagara. I was going to ask @Spider if they were at the mouth of the river on Erie but looking at the pic it looks like the river for sure. Must be a heavy jig I'm thinking, or back trolling like you suggest. I didn't even know there were Pics there, but again I've only fished the upper a few hundred times! Mostly for Bass and Musky on the US side around Strawberry and Grand Islands.
With that current @stomp back trolling would be tough to control the boat I think, also tough to get a vertical presentation on a jig like the Detroit River. Never jigged on the Niagara. I was going to ask @Spider if they were at the mouth of the river on Erie but looking at the pic it looks like the river for sure. Must be a heavy jig I'm thinking, or back trolling like you suggest. I didn't even know there were Pics there, but again I've only fished the upper a few hundred times! Mostly for Bass and Musky on the US side around Strawberry and Grand Islands.
The back trolling suggestion was a joke there @WhatsthePoint ...
Come on @stomp no teasing , I take everything I read or hear ver batum, that's why jokes fly over my head at Mach 3. I take everything you say as gospel because of your expertise in all things fishing related.
Thanks for that report @Spider... nice to see you guys targeting walleye! Is backtrolling an option on the Niagara :D?
Yeah we went through a Flat of worms just like Cameron :D. Using 1/2 oz heads and chartreuse rubber. We actually got a great drift by the Bakery to Nichols that took us up current with the North wind....very nice no power required.
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