Lake O. west end July 23 PM


Well-Known Member
After last few trips to Lake Erie I was missing Lake O. monsters, so invited my neighbour down the street and went for 3 hours of evening Lake O. fishing...started creasy....5 seconds after getting the first line in the water it started a nice brown to start the trip....shortly after my neighbour lost an acrobatic bow...then couple hour of quite chat...followed by creasy last 30 min...he was very tired after fighting the big King of the day...just over 20 few more Cohos...and ended up 5 for 10...not bad...he was smile year to year...and I was even happier...30-40 feet dow mostly spoon bite couple hits on the fly...150-200 fow...
now not so happy having to pay $17 for just couple hors of fishing...someone very "smart" must have come with that stupid idea of charging $17 no matter of the time left in the day./...I even tried cancelling the transaction by pushing the "cancel" button many times to get my $7 -$8 back when I found out machine only accepts full $17 luck...couldn't cancel././ had no chance to keep feeding it until it took all $17....what a day time robbery....Port Credit here I come for the rest of the season....

Fes shots of the day:





Ice Fisherman
Ya 17 seemed like a bit much. I was out there yesterday and we only wanted to spend maybe 4 hrs out there. I thought I remembered paying by the hour in the past. What's it like at port credit for cost? Nice fish by the way, we didn't land any big ones but a lot of little ones.

Gone fishing, be back at dark-thirty!
Actually Port Credit is free most of the year....they only charge like $10 during the salmon derby....much better facility than the Oakville one too...

Ice Fisherman
where was the launch 17$ did not read where you went from out of port ice fisherman?? lookiong to go next week end on mon. is bronte still free?? or other places to launce around there?? any help would be nice thanks lee

keepen'er afloat is always better than sinkin.
Originally posted by binkley

where was the launch 17$ did not read where you went from out of port ice fisherman?? lookiong to go next week end on mon. is bronte still free?? or other places to launce around there?? any help would be nice thanks lee

keepen'er afloat is always better than sinkin.

Both Bronte and Oakville launches are under the city of Oakville umbrella so they charge the same $17

Port Credit is free most of the year and only $10 during the salmon derby.

Ice Fisherman
Good fishing Emil, I've been busy irrigating, a good rain would be great;)

That's a beauty brown, looks Yummy for the bbq:P.

Brian (Legend Man)
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