Lake O. Blue Zone Aug 6 AM


Well-Known Member
Well it's been a while so I've decided with the recent poor fishing along the North shore of lake O. it is time to go check my favourite place (the BZ)...a bit windy for such a long trip but we've made it and lines in by 8:30am...went first to Oakville launch but refused paying them $17 and moved to Port Credit...lots of trailers in the parking lot and tons of boat out deep. We've passed them all:D and kept going that much more ha ha ha

Must have had over 35 fish on./ friend decided to let most of them go mostly with long releases ;) and we've let about 10 more go at the boat side....he kept 5 fish and I didn't need any so let them all grow bigger:D
Flies and spoons all worked...but flies were getting the bigger some monsters bows....many in the 10- 14 lbs range, only one Coho today...the biggest fish was a 23.5 Lbs King 15 min before we stopped fishing. I had to reel it in as my buddy was afraid to loose it...this guy was peeling lot of wire out with the fly/flasher rod...
And we've got 2 more rainbows as we were pulling lines sure was crazy day out there...kind of forgot what it means not to be able to sit down at times ha ha ha8D

Few shots from the day:




Ice Fisherman
just wondering how far south is it to the blue zone we reached 215 just wondering the difference to 300 thanks looking to go on the 20th of august thanks for a reply

keepen'er afloat is always better than sinkin.
we usually set up at the 200' mark and head deeper. Usually we don't make it past the 220-230' depths because we'er into the fish, but there are lots of guys, Charter boats included that like it way deeper. But start at the 200' mark and fish the top 50' only. Fun fun fun:D
Originally posted by binkley

just wondering how far south is it to the blue zone we reached 215 just wondering the difference to 300 thanks looking to go on the 20th of august thanks for a reply

keepen'er afloat is always better than sinkin.

Well depending where you launch from it maybe souteast....and it is 370-380 fow where we were today....

Ice Fisherman
Well Emil, it looks like you accomplished your goal. Some nice looking fish and it's always a blast when the rods keep poping.
we launched out of hamilton and headed east in front of shell pier to bronte we fished from 80 out to 212 and caught 2 fish about 1 min apart in 155 down 35 and 40 I only have dipseys and torpeodo weights I am going to pick up a few flashers and flies are there any colours that work better than others I here blue and green area the main colours any info is great als we were travelling between 3.0 and 3.5 on the gps speed is that normal too fast or slow??

keepen'er afloat is always better than sinkin.
Good fishing Emil, some heavy bows foresure. Did you test the boards in that chop?

Brian (Legend Man)
Originally posted by binkley

we launched out of hamilton and headed east in front of shell pier to bronte we fished from 80 out to 212 and caught 2 fish about 1 min apart in 155 down 35 and 40 I only have dipseys and torpeodo weights I am going to pick up a few flashers and flies are there any colours that work better than others I here blue and green area the main colours any info is great als we were travelling between 3.0 and 3.5 on the gps speed is that normal too fast or slow??

keepen'er afloat is always better than sinkin.

Well it is a loooooooong ride from Hamilton...I'd suggest launching from Port Credit (usually free but $10 not until the salmon derby is done)...
Green, blue and white is all I use for flies and they work well for me. Fish is up so dipsy lines with work fine for you....2 of my lines were dipsy yesterday. You were going a bit fast...I keep it to 2 - 2.2 mpr on the depth probe and depending on the current this is about 2.7-2.9 mph GPS speed.

Ice Fisherman
Originally posted by jumbos

Good fishing Emil, some heavy bows foresure. Did you test the boards in that chop?

Brian (Legend Man)

I did try one of the boards with leadcore and despite all my efforts and constant change of lures couldn't get a single hit on the leadcore....on or off the I gave up and replace it with a second dipsy line and it started firing like crazy:D

Ice Fisherman
try using torpedo diver to get your lure down off the borads it goes on your line like a snap weight. it can get you down close to 80 feet.