Lack of real info


Bruce Graham

was out today Pt Stanley for perch and ended up with 60, not our best day but not bad, was in 36 feet about 1.5 miles east. I have noticed the last while that a lot of the info available on this board has often been of little to no value. Boasters , not posters seem to be very reluctant to share info which would be of real use. I want to be clear I am not pointing fingers at anyone in particular and I don't want your numbers, but postings some with a lot of pictures and some with no pictures, with no depts, no lures, often no ports and no real information are interesting, but thats all. I don't post pictures, but thats because I really haven't figured out how, but when I do post, the info is clear , where, how, what and what with. I believe the majority of people who visit this board are looking for information.

This is not uncommon on message boards like this one. I know of another that frowns on posting numbers and locations etc. and they are not shy about letting you know it. Realize that there are lots of trollers looking for specific info who take it but contribute nothing of value back to the community on the board.

If you know some of the posters who you can trust I would seek advice by e-mail correspodance for the advice you require.

My two cents,

Chromeseeker are we little children? Do we need to keep secrets ?
Perhaps you and your friends should speak in code.
You are missing the point of message boards,they are here to promote our sport and they do this by being an out let for our friends to brag. The bragging promotes interest and brings people to the area to fish,and this is good for the charter boats and the marina's.
Most of all the value of the information shared on this site allows people to enjoy our sport. We don't need to keep all the fish for ourselves, we need to insure that our sport grows strong so we can fight to keep it. By posting and sharing we all will have better outings. Not everyone can fish an area as often as we would like and therefor rely on this info. and many don't have the confidence in their techniques to post.
Keep your secrets, I thank all that believe that helping others is the best way live. In the future I will be sure to post any info. I can.
Ok guys then put up your best spots on this public forum and see how many boats are there the next day. I really try to promote the sport of fishing and am active in a few forums I never give exact spots in a open forum if a ACTIVE member PM's me a ??? I will reply I have even given waypoints before its not about keeping secrets its about protecting the many hours on the water it takes to find the spots from the guys that don't follow the rules or contribute to the boards.


I would like to thank Denali custom rods, The Rod Glove and Live Eye Jigs for their support
:Done point boys i always put a very large x on the water so as whom ever wants can[:I][xx(] find that spot thats the best way to put one in the spot i had good luck in8
Originally posted by SRT8

Ok guys then put up your best spots on this public forum and see how many boats are there the next day. I really try to promote the sport of fishing and am active in a few forums I never give exact spots in a open forum if a ACTIVE member PM's me a ??? I will reply I have even given waypoints before its not about keeping secrets its about protecting the many hours on the water it takes to find the spots from the guys that don't follow the rules or contribute to the boards.


I would like to thank Denali custom rods, The Rod Glove and Live Eye Jigs for their support


Dan B.


I think you misunderstood me. I never said I was not in favor of sharing info. It's a big lake and there's lot's of room for fish to move around so sharing info like depths or colours and types of baits are okay. I did encourage dialogue between members via e-mail for the expressed purpose of sharing person to person info instead of on the open forum. Sometimes open forums are great but not always.

If I have offended anyone with MyTwoCents them remember they are my opinions only and I apologize.

i feel yer pain but disagree with your post. i have also found advice on the forums to be a day late and a dollar short. frustrating to read about boatloads of fish being caught and then i show up and its dry as dust. and i can tell ya ive fished in a pack of boats, watched NO ONE catch a thing, come home only to hear about how hot that spot was today on the forums.

frustrating, yes. someone to blame?? no. just me for not getting out often enough, moving the boat enough, changing tackle enough. the forum is not a short cut to the fish, you gotta put your time in and complaining about the content, accuracy and lack of waypoints in posts is not the way to vent your fishing frustrations. it is frowned upon, and often in the rules to not post exact fishing info. you've never seen a blurred out picture of a guy holding a fish before?

i dont post much but guys in this very thread have been generous with the info. (by the way i never catch nothin where you sent me!!!grrrr). these are the same guys that tow yer busted boat back to shore by the way.

keep at it double check the forum rules and keep your frustrations to the campfire.

to those that share thanks
What happened to just going fishing??? Time on the water is always a good time... I think alot of people get too hung up on the catching part... Time on the water to me is about enjoying the solitude and peace and quiet with family and friends..

I don't report a whole lot on this site because frankily i just don't always have the time... I don't give ALL the details but enough for fellas to know the general area and that there are fish there... Go get'em... Any emails or dockside chat will get any questions answered in full... ;)

I love reports with pictures... I don't need ALL the info... I've done it all myself and can figure stuff on my own by paying attention to the small details... Back that with good gear and electronics and success is pretty much unavoidable...

Be well... Jammer
As a follower of this website for ALOT longer than I've been a member, I eventually joined because of three things...

Number one, motivation, pictures of others catch got me up off the couch and ready to go.

Number two, inspiration, again pictures and posts of success gave me the "itch" to go try my luck.

Number three, information, the ports and depths and colours needed to point me in the right direction.

I never expect to get all three things from one post or person, this site as a whole gives plenty to get out and give it your best shot. I also believe, for the most part, that if you need more info on a particular topic all you need to do is post the question and someone will give you the answer you are looking for. There are definitely those who give way more than others and some who give nothing at all, but in my opinion, if you need more than you can generally find on this site, the "sport" of fishing will be taken away and you might just as well have someone else bait your hook and reel in the fish for you!


Originally posted by Pikefishinfever

, if you need more than you can generally find on this site, the "sport" of fishing will be taken away and you might just as well have someone else bait your hook and reel in the fish for you!



That pretty much sums it up right there.


I would like to thank Denali custom rods, The Rod Glove and Live Eye Jigs for their support
i caught WAY more fish before the internet came along.

in fact, at 12 years old in a cedar rib canoe i caught piles of fish, all on a 6 foot daiwa spincaster with 3 yr old mono and a cinder block for an anchor.

some 40K later im scratching my head......

ill be out friday so if any of you want to tell where they really are
I understand both sides of this discussion, but maybe this site should consider what Grey Bruce does. As you contribute posts with them as a member, you reach certain levels of security based on the amount you contribute through posting. A newby cannot read all info until say after 50 posts. I like that setup because those infrequent surfers do not get all the goods!!
So by your logic, even a moron can be a genius as long as he/she sends in lots of emails. Certain levels of security - still trying to figure that one out.........this is an open forum, treat it as such.....
I agree with srt8 and pike fever.
I asked before for info re Port Dover and did not expect way points only an indication of fish possibilities.
I have also replied re bass areas.
There seems to be a difference re bass and bows/perch.
Bows perch need specifics which from day to day vary. When taking friends out I warn this was yesterday but today they may be elsewhere.
Bass however are structure oriented so if you know the basics you can find them . My replies for bass have indicated this .
However I find it interesting that a day or two after my most specific post for bass , a place where I have fished undisturbed for two years , yesterday three party boats and about eight others were siting right over my two way points. That spot is probably now cleaned out?
I have always found the info useful but I don't look for perch or bows, the bass fishing is too good.This comment about bass fishing may be a generalization which apparently causes some problems with readers but my wife who resists agreeing with almost anything I say does concur.
I find the site both very useful and interesting.
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