Kids Rock Bass Derby Saturday June 4th

Jimmy Riggin

Well-Known Member
Rotten Ronnie's Kids Rock Bass Derby
Saturday June 4
Sponsored by the Long Poing Fish and Game Club.

Ages 2-12
Prize for every child
2 Divisions.
Must purchase ticket before 10am.
Weigh-in closes at 3pm.
Only 1 Rock Bass, you can upgrade your fish.
Sunday June 5th is the Rain Date.


Jimmy Carroll
Jimmy Riggin' Fishing Charters
I should read more carefully.....
At first I thought the title of this thread was " Kid Rocks Bass Derby"
and I thought to my self, "this sounds like it might be something pretty cool!

This sounds like a fun day for the Kids, and I just may bring my son for the day, since it is the first day of my vacation.

Teach a kid how to fish
It is a great time for the kids. What is great also is that the Rock Bass catches were plentiful this weekend. So there should lots to be caught and weighed in on Saturday.


Jimmy Carroll
Jimmy Riggin' Fishing Charters
Averie's in Jimmy! We'll see you at the shop Saturday morning.... No way we'll be on the water before you open... lol

Just received a couple of prizes generously donated by the Causeway Restaurant. Lots of great stuff for the kids to win! Also, lots of great prizes for all who participate.

See you on Saturday!


Jimmy Carroll
Jimmy Riggin' Fishing Charters
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