

Well-Known Member
$100.00 woodduck today real old bird no green paint left on the reward band

whatever landed right in the water !!! after one heck of a smash from 55 yards up totaly plucked the entire breast
all kidding aside your dog worked great today had a great shoot with your dad 12 birds lots of greenheads and a sky carp
the only draw back was that paul and lenny finished about an hour and half sooner

Way to go Glenn,the C note will help towards the Molson EX bill.
sounds like you had a good shoot with Howard the Duck.
Pumper Ron
ya great shoot with howard the duck and you are more than welcome to share the export
hope your leg is feeling better

That $100 is for a duck in mint condition.
The one you showed me had a LOT of miles on it.
That, plus the fact that a lot of feathers were missing and there were holes in the bodywork would suggest its real value to be about $18-$22 tops.:D

good wind today great shoot 2 more bands LOL
highest i have seen the water since the summer

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