is there anyone who sells roe in tillsonburg


Well-Known Member
i want to go out on trout opener is there anyone who sells roe in tillsonburg or what would you use. thanks
Around Tillsonburg not that I've heard, but Fish On Tackle in Delhi does, And He's open all night friday night.
I was just in to see Ed at fish on. he's getting all read for the friday night openner. if you needs stuff go see him he's a great guy.
better buy lots your gonna need softball size bags:p the rivers are gonna be a mess and if we get the 20-30mm on friday they will be a waste of time most of the small streams around here are just barely in there banks gonna be a great opener for the fish this year not so much for the anglers I'm gonna play it by ear but prolly not gonna bother this year:(


I would like to thank Denali custom rods and The Rod Glove for their support
519-582-8758 Tell him Stick sent ya. (Keeps me in his good books)



"Rivers are living things, sometimes swollen and discoloured, other times thin and anaemic. Spend enough time around a particular river, you learn to read its moods, like a spouse reads a partner."

the way that i read the regs trout season doesn't open till a week from this saturday..

barry chilcott
well keep reading them that way and that will open one more spot on the
regs say the 4th sat in April
I am a little set back ,as had i had my glasses on and checked the calendar i also would have been on the right track , sorry for my mistake..

barry chilcott
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