Inner Bay Perchin' -- Monday,July 18


Well-Known Member
Five of us loaded up with minnows and leeches at Old Cut Marina with a plan to fish for bass around EC 3 and then to head for Pottohawk for perch. So, we started drifting on the flats between EC5 and EC3 south of the weed line. First one of us and then another hauled in a jumbo and we decided to anchor and see if there were serious numbers of perch there; we were in 9 FOW. About 1.5 hrs later, the wind came up, so we headed back with 87 perch ( 8-13" ) = 14 lbs of fillets.
Thx for the report CBCA! A real bonus to get that kind of fishing so close at this time of year.
Yes, Stomp, I was a bit surprised to find that many perch in the IB on this date, but thought that it was important for others to know about it as lots of anglers have smaller boats and aren't able to go farther out on many days.

I stopped by Old Cut later to give Ray and Sue some fillets and there was an old couple there ( not that I'm a young guy! ) who were delighted to hear about good perch that close.
I'm sure those two aren't the only ones who appreciate hearing the news. Thx for all your great reports. You've really been excelling at the "minnow-dunking" this year!
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