Inner Bay action??


Well-Known Member
Lovin' the reports from Burwell and Bruce, unfortunately our boat is just too small to get out there safely.

Anything going on in the inner bay these days? My son and I have the whole day to ourselves on Saturday and he's asking to go back down there. Hoping someone can let me know if its worth the trip.

Andrew there is always largemouth around the edges of the inner bay around big rice bay has been ok for numbers but not many big girls but if ya just want to get the boy a bunch of fish try the weed puffs lots of Rockies and sunfish to keep little ones happy and even some good largies in them just need some heavier gear to go in after them


I would like to thank Denali custom rods, The Rod Glove and Live Eye Jigs for their support
Yeah - maybe I'll give that a go. Haven't decided yet. Ideally would like to get a mess of fish for the young lad, with something a bit bigger occasionally to keep dad interested.

Just noticed Jimmy's posting for the Sunfish derby; my son has been bugging me for a while to go in a derby, so there's another idea. Maybe I'll see ya there?

But then we have a river right near our house that tends to be quite productive this time of year... could save myself the hour drive just by putting in the canoe.

Decisions Decisions! I guess there are worse problems a fella could have than to figure out where to fish on the weekend.