Ice Fishing Survey


Well-Known Member
I really would like to know out of the general population just how many people really go ice fishing. My guess is one out of every thousand? For myself and my brother- in -law it's annual religious ritual about three times a year minimum but we never run into many guys -off the ice -that are interested. I'm not complaining, the more ice surface and fish for us red necks. Just curious. Thanks for your comments. Huron.
I think your guess at 1 in 1000 is fair. We converted one soul to the sport over Christmas but fishing action was nonstop thanks to Jimmy's taxi service and suggestions. Dressing appropiately and getting on fish is a big problem when inviting friends. Also sport is dangerous. Trying to convert another this Friday.
Originally posted by fshrgrl

It would also be interesting to know how many women are into this sport!

I know of at least "better half" and her half sister.

I actually hadn't gone since I was a kid, until last I'm hooked big time!!
Used to when we had a 3 wheeler but too much of a walk out to good water and then way too much walking to hunt them down consistantly. Add having to park at the top of the hill in St Williams to the trek and for me it isn't worth it. I'll stick to the running water when it is open and get my perch at Sobeys.


Huron. Taken with my cell at Quance Dam in Delhi Dec. 2009 just after Christmas. Water is approx 6 feet higher than normal. The end of the grates are the fish ladder totally submerged in a torrent of mud. A young lad caught a lifetime Lake Run Brown in that crap when all us old timers left the rods in the car.


proud to say my daughter is 16 now and she's still the first to ask to get out ice fishing.
We'll be making the 2 hr trip soon as I hear all is good to go for the quad and trailer.
thanks to all who share that info

Originally posted by Brett

PS I bought her that float suit for xmas last year and she was pretty much jump'n for joy

That's great!!! Way to pass on the torch!!
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