I remember a clean and tidy boat


Well-Known Member
R.O.C. (Radio Operator's Certificate)

After 6 days of non stop fishing the "Whale Bone II" no longer looks like this. It is filthy and looks like I murdered a whole group of people in the cockpit. I will be back down to port in the morning with the powerwasher and Hydrogen Peroxide to spend the morning cleaning in preperation for an afternoon charter. lol,lol I just hope the weather does not turn nasty.
So----ah---where did you hide the bodies??:D

Packrat, I ran them through the macerator and pumped them overboard, lol,lol Oops "Did I say that"
NO how u feel Wayne-knocked over worm box jumping for a rod -what a mess-scrubbed it- next day an did it again[xx(]
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