Hunter Safety Course

  • Thread starter Thread starter Big Dave
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Big Dave

Does anyone know when and where the next Hunter Safety Course is, if so would you please post contact info.

Thanks in advance.

Dave, if you go to the OFAH website and down at the bottom you can see a tab for OHEP (Ontario Hunter Education Program). You can then search by instructor or by city. I did not spend long there but I did see there are a few courses in April and early May in London and Aylmer. There may even be more if you look at other towns or cities.


Maybe you could find an Angler Safety Course too. God knows you could use a refresher...
:D Thanks Stomp. Where would you like to perch fish this year?

Big Dave was kind enough to take me out off Hastings for perch fishing a couple of times last year. It was the best perch fishing anyone aboard had ever experienced.

Now that I've gone and insulted Dave, I'm reading between the lines of his response and guessing that he'll be less inclined to take me out again this year[V].
I will still take Stomp. It is nice to know that even he can catch a fish.


My best day there

HEY HEY HEY what about the promise that you made to me there big dave. LOL take me out anytime will be worth the gas money to enjoy more tasty perch I will even supply the brown pop after.;)

keepen'er afloat is always better than sinkin.
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