how do I find free launch in dover


Well-Known Member
subect says almost all
will be coming from delhi

The free ramp is on Black Creek North of Port Dover. It is on Concession 2 just east of the Cockshutt road under the bridge that crosses the creek. I have attached a map link with a flag marker on it but the marker is just a little further east than the ramp. I haven't been there for a couple of years but as I recall, it is really only good for smaller boats and it's a LONG ride to the lake...,-80.19011&sspn=0.012879,0.0421&gl=ca&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Concession+2+Woodhouse+Rd,+Norfolk,+Haldimand-Norfolk+Regional+Municipality,+Ontario&ll=42.800565,-80.192299&spn=0.025757,0.0842&z=14
thank you for the directions
I will find out how long the drive to the lake is I'm trying to cut cost right now as I'm not really working.
As fishtalker says its 4km/hr all the way out and as I recall, it was at least an hour ride. We were just there for the river tour anyway but it was still a hike.
I drove down yesterday eve to have a look. I found it ramp looks like typical cement slab. river looked brown also looked like might be few obsticals in the river.

I think my biggest concern would be the saftey of my truck and trailer parked out there it just seemed like a spot just asking for someone to remove stuff

think I may just pay my $$
the launch in dover is behind a gate is there a code or something how do you access it
well I was by the gate on Sunday at about 630 and it was closed. all I saw was a key pad so that makes me tink there must be a contact # to key but didn't see a thing
The gate is closed during "winter hours" but I think you get an access code if you have a boat stored in the marina. I would think the ramp will be open weather permitting and I know I have launched there in mid-April before. Give the Marina a call at 519-583-1581 or contact the Marina Manager Janet Blackburn at 519-426-5999 Ext.2225.

Barring that, there is a ramp at Bridge Marine just above the bridge on River Drive and there is also one up a bit further at Dovercraft Marine on Donjon Blvd.
They used to be and I would think they still are...I always launch at the Harbour Marina since I have never seen the gate locked. Maybe it was just closed due to Easter or something.
members that have stored boats get the code. gates usually open during daylight hours when the marina is staffed
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