how do I find free launch in dover


Well-Known Member
subect says almost all
will be coming from delhi

The free ramp is on Black Creek North of Port Dover. It is on Concession 2 just east of the Cockshutt road under the bridge that crosses the creek. I have attached a map link with a flag marker on it but the marker is just a little further east than the ramp. I haven't been there for a couple of years but as I recall, it is really only good for smaller boats and it's a LONG ride to the lake...,-80.19011&sspn=0.012879,0.0421&gl=ca&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Concession+2+Woodhouse+Rd,+Norfolk,+Haldimand-Norfolk+Regional+Municipality,+Ontario&ll=42.800565,-80.192299&spn=0.025757,0.0842&z=14
thank you for the directions
I will find out how long the drive to the lake is I'm trying to cut cost right now as I'm not really working.
As fishtalker says its 4km/hr all the way out and as I recall, it was at least an hour ride. We were just there for the river tour anyway but it was still a hike.
I drove down yesterday eve to have a look. I found it ramp looks like typical cement slab. river looked brown also looked like might be few obsticals in the river.

I think my biggest concern would be the saftey of my truck and trailer parked out there it just seemed like a spot just asking for someone to remove stuff

think I may just pay my $$
the launch in dover is behind a gate is there a code or something how do you access it
well I was by the gate on Sunday at about 630 and it was closed. all I saw was a key pad so that makes me tink there must be a contact # to key but didn't see a thing
The gate is closed during "winter hours" but I think you get an access code if you have a boat stored in the marina. I would think the ramp will be open weather permitting and I know I have launched there in mid-April before. Give the Marina a call at 519-583-1581 or contact the Marina Manager Janet Blackburn at 519-426-5999 Ext.2225.

Barring that, there is a ramp at Bridge Marine just above the bridge on River Drive and there is also one up a bit further at Dovercraft Marine on Donjon Blvd.
They used to be and I would think they still are...I always launch at the Harbour Marina since I have never seen the gate locked. Maybe it was just closed due to Easter or something.
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