Hastings Perch - June 18


Staff member
Great day on the lake side today with Big Dave. Started slow but the bite improved all morning and was at its peak between 12-1. 5 anglers/rods took a bit over 6 hours to fill a cooler full of perch with lots of jumbos in the mix. The deeper water around 50' seems like it is starting to produce. These perch appeared to have been very well fed with lots of gobies, smelt and minnows being coughed up as they were landed.
Thanks for the report stomp followed your lead couple weeks ago and we weren't dissapointed in the #s and size of the feed.thank u sir for good fish catching info.
Good to hear Johny2; best perch fishing I have had over there. I heard that last night fishing was much better in closer to shore on that side. I understand that Bluff had been producing good catches on Friday too.

No Stomp today so fishing was better. 5 guys 2 hrs 178 good perch in 27' of water. Very rough water and ran out of minnows or a limit would have been easy.

All males so boat is a mess....

Brought the boat back around Light house, heck of a trip 6'ers from the tip all the way to Pottahawk.


Nice fishing guy's

Dave..at least those 6er's were on your ass, with this easterly;).

Brian (Legend Man)
Originally posted by Big Dave


No Stomp today so fishing was better. 5 guys 2 hrs 178 good perch in 27' of water. Very rough water and ran out of minnows or a limit would have been easy.

All males so boat is a mess....
Brought the boat back around Light house, heck of a trip 6'ers from the tip all the way to Pottahawk.


Nice going BD----try not to complain so much willya:D


Not compaining, I always enjoy Stomps company and everyone on the boat out fished me yesterday....Great day!

It was a wild ride Brian,

Behind us they were, came off the top of a good one and burried the nose in the next. Like hitting the brakes. Ended up on the floor and broke a toe! lol

Big Dave, just keep picking me up off the beach; I'll take a little dip in cold water over that trip around the tip anyday. And don't get me wrong, I'm grateful that you have the balls to make that run so some of us can get at those Hastings perch. That's the best fishing a minnow-dunker like me can hope for.
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