Had to share.


Well-Known Member
R.O.C. (Radio Operator's Certificate)
Got this email from a good friend and had to share. Cool and funny at the same time.



realy enjoyed the mercer report watch him a lot but havn't seen that report.ps ice is ok read a report your not into it.
Just waiting for the ice to open up on the moving water Giller. Until then, washing down the rods I'm deciding to keep and the ones I'm getting ready to sell. Don't need 30+ rods hanging around collecting dust. Tearing down my reels and getting them ready for another year of abuse too.


Hey Stick, open water will be here before you know it. Got time to rebuild a Whisker 1300?


" Never mind if the horses are blind, just load the damn wagon"
Bring her down Ken. Perfect timing as I just about ordered my parts on Friday.


Hey Stick, I got one of those Whisker reels as well and I've been trying to find someone to fix it for a long time. Any chance you could take a look at it for me. I'm from Woodstock and could bring it to you.

Thanks Rob
Originally posted by Chromeseeker

Hey Stick, I got one of those Whisker reels as well and I've been trying to find someone to fix it for a long time. Any chance you could take a look at it for me. I'm from Woodstock and could bring it to you.

Thanks Rob

what's wrong with it chromeseeker? It may be too far gone. If not I'll see what I can do.


Drag chatters when you set the hook hard. I think it maybe something stripped or worn out. Love the reel, I bought it back in 88 so I've had it a long time. Can't bare to toss it and will try nything to fix it.

Here's my e-mail so you can contact me directly.


Thanks Rob
Thanks Stick! Chromeseeker, I have a spare one for parts (thanks to Chip!) that I'll bring along when I drop it off, so when Dave looks at my main reel your welcome to anything mine dosen't need.

Dave, down south here for work so will not be able to drop them off for a couple of weeks.Need anything at Bass Pro?

Ken J

" Never mind if the horses are blind, just load the damn wagon"
Ken, That's very generous of you to do that and I thank you. I knew I should've bought another for this eventuality but never did.

Thanks again,

Just enough warm weather to unlock the flowing water Ken :D without blowing her out. Oh and maybe a full Direct TV subscription would be nice 8D.


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