Great Dog


Well-Known Member
I Know alot of you guys have dogs !! My partner and best friend Larry had to put down teal this week she was a great dog and retrieved a rediculous amount of birds in the 11 years we hunted over her !!!! We retired her last year and she spent one season watching the new two year old do the work . She will be missed she never let us down !It is a great thing to see a lab who has been back in the weeds for 20 minutes come out with a greenhead in her mouth .

I didn't realize that you and Larry were not hunting over her last season. It's always tough to have to put down a pet, especially tough when the pet was also a hunting partner.
I,m sorry Glenn and Larry of the loss of your hunting Dave said it still hurts Denise and I thinking of the loss of Boomer..but Doc is giving us the smiles now......
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