Off Topic Gone Fishn

Leftys Buoy

Well-Known Member
R.O.C. (Radio Operator's Certificate)
Came across this poem that I read at my Dad's funeral a couple years ago and thought I would pass it along. Still get a little choked up LOL.

Gone Fish'nh

I've finished life's chores assigned to me,
So put me on a boat headed out to sea.
Please send along my fishing pole
For I've been invited to the fishin' hole.

Where every day is a day to fish,
To fill your heart with every wish.
Don't worry, or feel sad for me,
I'm fishin' with the Master of the sea.

We will miss each other for awhile,
But you will come and bring your smile.
That won't be long you will see,
Till we're together you and me.

To all of those that think of me,
Be happy as I go out to sea.
If others wonder why I'm missin'
Just tell 'em I've gone fishin'
Came across this poem that I read at my Dad's funeral a couple years ago and thought I would pass it along. Still get a little choked up LOL.

Gone Fish'nh

I've finished life's chores assigned to me,
So put me on a boat headed out to sea.
Please send along my fishing pole
For I've been invited to the fishin' hole.

Where every day is a day to fish,
To fill your heart with every wish.
Don't worry, or feel sad for me,
I'm fishin' with the Master of the sea.

We will miss each other for awhile,
But you will come and bring your smile.
That won't be long you will see,
Till we're together you and me.

To all of those that think of me,
Be happy as I go out to sea.
If others wonder why I'm missin'
Just tell 'em I've gone fishin'
March 4, 1982. Been honing my skills so maybe when I get there, I'll get 1 more brown, or bigger than his. Until then, I'll fish here.
Have been fishing with my dad for a week every June since 1988. As he gets older I wonder every year whether this will be the last. A couple weeks back he said he was still excited but worried he was a burden to our crew....told him as long as he 'wants' to go he is the captain of the crew! He would love this poem and it sure resonates with me.
Awesome poem. Thanks for the share. Lost my dad 6 yrs an adult I never got to spend as much time fishing with him as I would have liked although we did get out some - mostly when I visited him in Florida where he wintered many years at various spots. This year was my best year fishing walleye on Erie - out of Burwell and Nanticoke - and you can bet Dad crossed my mind many times while out fishing. He would have had a blast.

To those that still have your dad - appreciate him and tell him you love him every chance you get. To those of you (us) that are dads - ensure you give your kids your time if they ask for it, and if they don't ask for it, ask for theirs. Life is too short and you never know what tomorrow might bring.

Thanks again Lefty.

I cut this poem out of a paper many years ago and stuck it in my jewelry box because it struck a chord with me. My brother Scott was a diehard fisherman. We lost him 3 1/2yrs ago. After telling his story at his service over 200 people read this poem along with me.

A Fisher of Men
I pray that I may live to fish
Until my dying day.
And when it comes to my last cast,
I then must humbly pray:
When in my Lords great landing net
I’m peacefully asleep,
That in his Mercy I be judged
Big enough to keep.

You’re a keeper Scotty, you’re a keeper.