Goliath Whitefish - Simcoe - Friday, May 20th

Duck Soup

Well-Known Member
R.O.C. (Radio Operator's Certificate)
I got up at 3:30 this morning to meet ice fisherman and his boys Jordan and Alex at Emil's place in Georgetown for a trip to Lake Simcoe this morning. Unfortunately I found out that whitefish don't bite in the fog and we had to wait until after 11:00 am to get the first bite. I still cannot get over the size of these beasts. I'm used to northern whitefish in the 1.5 to 3 pound range. Emil and I both had to get back and coudn't stay but still managed to break off one, bust a rod, land 5 and lose more than we care to remember. A few photos below.


Nice, Duck you and Emile have the whities dialed in I gotta get up there this year.


I would like to thank Denali custom rods, The Rod Glove and Live Eye Jigs for their support
Canvasbackca, I'd love to try baking one but I want a normal sized fish for my first attempt.

SRT8, Emil (icefisherman)is the expert on Lake Simcoe. People I know who fish there all seem to know who he is, at least by reputation.
It was another great day on Simcoe Arnie....went there yesterday too but not as good results....got a nice laker while trolling though...
Season has just started so few more trips are coming for sure.
And the Kings are about to start on the North shore of Lake O,....sooooo....get ready ha ha ha

Ice Fisherman
apparently some good whitefish in lake Haliburton, and i'm heading there Thursday for lakers but would like some whitefish. i have never targeted them before.
Any pointers? lures, techniques?
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