Go to Lure for Eyes


Well-Known Member
Hi Guys,
Just going to start getting in to fishing for Eyes in Erie and would appreciate your help. I am looking for say the top 10 lures most guys use for Eyes. What is the best setup for behind Lead Core? I will probably have 2 rods for lead core and 2 rods on the riggers. Have too wait till next year to get Dipsy Rods. I really appreciate your input.
this year on leadcore for me i would have to say the following spoons

orange crush
monkey puke
greasy chicken wing
mixed veggie

in no particular order

good luck

We seem to spend a lot of time looking at the front of our spoons which come in dozens of colours while we ignore the backs. It seems to me that on our boat, copper backs outproduce silvers BIG Time.
We lean toward the darker purplish colours for walleye such as blueberry muffin, killer antz, bloody death etc but the copper backs seem to be a key even with the same paint job on the front.
The buck tail viper spoons are very affective with dipsy diver , havent tried them with lead core but its all about getting the spoon down where the fish are .............apps
my favorites are:
custom Kevorkian lpba spoon....always in the water

northport nailer glow tiger roughy (orange and white)and **I have never had the paint come off a nailer**

DW SS bloody death
DW SS goldilocks
DW wormburner blueberry muffin and fire tiger (off lead core)
DW wds as sliders
Thanks for your input guys. Does anyone have any lead core rods and reels they want to sell or know of anyone wanting too sell? Thanks in advance.
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