FYI Asian Carp


New Member
Here is a report from CTV just in. How can we win with Morons like this...Fines should be higher...
PERU, Ind. — An Indiana company has been fined $20,000 after trying to haul a load of live Asian carp into Canada.

The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources says the owner of Sweetwater Springs Fish Farm of Peru, Ind., pleaded guilty Monday to possessing live invasive fish.

The company forfeited over 6,000 pounds of bighead carp.

They were found in the company's truck during an inspection at the Blue Water Bridge in Point Edward, Ont.

Sweetwater Springs is the second importer within a week to be fined for attempting to bring Asian carp into the province, where they are prohibited.

Authorities are trying to prevent Asian carp from becoming established in the Great Lakes. Scientists say the large, hungry fish could starve out native species and endanger the $7 billion fishing industry.
Not only make the fines higher but conficate possessions like houses trucks etc and add some jail time to it. With our justice system this won't deter all the people but may deter some.
:Dyes preacher well sai[:I]d we need to loby for big fines i meaN BIG BIGas well as equipment taken away lets get goin opn this call your mpp [xx(][:X]:D:D:D:D
Throw the maggots into the Mississippi along with the carp. With 2 truck loads caught in less than a week, how long can it be before somebody sneaks in a's only a matter of time. If they ever get in those lakes, you'll never see another perch!
Hijinx.....did they happen to say where the fish were headed? The guys at the other end should have been whacked as well. Any bets? Who do you know eats carp? Bingo! Same guys that take home 850 bass a day at Nanticoke.
Like drug smugglers for every one caught there's many more that avoid detection. I hope to God that is not the case here!!!!
:Dthe biggest offender in this case is t and t some were in toronto area [:o)]in b c we were monitoring their live tanks and took pictures and they ejected us 8D[}:)]so call ur mpp and have a new regulation bill started to stop this or we r fried 888the fishing out lets should have petetions set up for this to stop all live fish from entering canada period [:o)]8D:D:P
just a thought im sure many of us are a part of the O.F.A.H. lets all give them a call and ask them to approach the government on this subject ,i mean as far as punishments are concerned ,they may have a little more clout than a few calls to our M.P s .
we should also call our MPs also .remember the squeaky wheel gets the grease...
The OFHA should be on news media through t.v. and news papers about this. It's only through public pressure on our members of parliament that gets the M.P.s off there ass. Sorry but that's the reality. Huron.
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