Well-Known Member
Had my First tourney of the year on saturday we did OK considering how slow it was I think we were in the middle of the standings with 20 teams .blast off was a lot more fun when your not the slowest boat out there :thumbsup_anim: I found out that lunds can fly as we were doing 40mph and hit a 4' wave that came out of no where and the hole boat came out of the water we made the long run from pt Rowan all the way to bluffs bar and we caught a couple pike out there and a bunch of OOS smallies but we decided to try the inner bay for the afternoon and all we caught was a few more smallies and a 12" snot rocket 1 of the smallies was a 6+ piggy that hit the 6" livetarget perch I released her long distance though she was hooked with 1 hook so I let er shake off boat side .I got to play with some of my new toys and my new rods are awesome and the new curado is a amazing reel and I tried out the new I-pilot terrova and what a tool this thing is I was considering putting a talon shallow water anchor on my boat but there's no need with the spot lock feature it truly is a anchor with the push of a button .anyways here's were the funny pic comes into play I am on the Lund facebook page and they have a thing called the faces of lund were they pic a fans pic for the week and use it as there fan page pic well I thought that getting my brother and his son and me and my son all on the lund with my bro and I holding the first fish we caught in my new boat would be a cool pic and as were getting ready for the pic my bro's hammer handle slips out of his hand and hits my son Kaleb right in the face he was OK just scared the crap out of him ,look at the bottom left of the pic .we have another tourney on saturday for the LPBAA pike derby and hope the fish will be bigger than these were any ways thanks for reading and here's the pic.
I would like to thank Denali custom rods, The Rod Gloveand Live Eye Jigs for their support

I would like to thank Denali custom rods, The Rod Gloveand Live Eye Jigs for their support