First off, thanks for the Foodsaver, and other freezing tips advice, as I'm sure we all appreciate it.
But Mr Dick, it may be time to chill out, wait by the phone, because after calling us all names like that, I'm sure everyone will want to spend the day fishing or hunting with you.
Come on, really? Most, if not all of the good folks here are law abiding,avid outdoorsman. They not only fish, but hunt too, and not unlike my father, enjoy edible wilds from the streams and forests as well, like watercress, fiddleheads and leaks. That being said, it would be safe to assume they probably consume a good portion of their trips afield. Well, lets see now, we have moose, deer, bear, caribou, turkeys, geese, ducks... I hope you're getting the BIG picture. Trying to save a little room for a couple salmon or perch or wallye fillets in an already well stocked freezer isn't a lot to ask for, is it? My family and I prefer wild fish and game over the store bought stuff that's full of who knows what.
Now, if I can only find a place to hunt wild chickens.
We are hunters and gatherers by nature, and it is a heritage that I am damn proud of, one that has been passed from generation to generation.Thanks dad.
nuff said